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Bawdsey Details

Here are the links for information on Bawdsey:


Parent Consent Form

Kit List

What to wear



Hi all!

We would like to welcome you to Year 6.

Here is some information that may be helpful in the absence of ‘Meet The Teacher’ this year.

In Miss Orr’s class the LSA supporting pupil learning is Mrs Rice.

In Miss McLewin’s class the LSA is Miss Woolnough.

Mrs Fisk will also be supporting across both classes and delivering intervention and booster sessions in maths.

Miss Woolnough and Mrs Rice will be taking the class during Forest School sessions and the class teacher’s weekly PPA time.

Afternoon PPA will covered by outdoor PE specialists RAD and French teacher Madame Reed. This will be on a Tuesday afternoon.



Forest school sessions will be on Friday afternoon. Each child has been allocated a 6 week block in autumn, or spring term. Letters will be given out before each group commences. Although we have clothing available, we are requesting that parents ensure that suitable footwear is provided and if you already own waterproof clothing form home that you bring it in. Wellies or walking/ waterproof boots must be worn on wet days- no trainers.


Homework will comprise of Times Table Rockstars, and Spelling Frame. There may be additional projects to complete to support the learning in class but there will be a two week completion time frame. Log- ins for each of these are available should your child have lost or mislaid any of them.

Knowledge Organisers


This Half- term, our theme is Dish, Dosh, Splosh.

Dish Dosh Splosh

The Rise and Fall of Hitler

Violent Volcanoes

Wheels of Steel

6O - Dish, Dosh, Splosh

To launch our new Theme topic, we dressed up as bankers, robbers and estate agents and enjoyed playing Monopoly in small groups.

6M - Science

In science, we made periscopes as part of our learning about how light travels.
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