Welcome to our Thrive® page! We use Thrive at school to help develop our pupils’ social and emotional well-being, enabling them to engage with life and learning. It supports them in becoming more self- assured, capable and adaptable.
Thrive® also promotes positive mental health and emotional well being in children and young people by helping adults know what to do and how to be with their care.
If your child is struggling to understand about Covid 19 the links below may help: https://theautismeducator.ie/2020/03/11/corona-virus-social-story/
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The Stay Home Superheroes (English) – YouTube
Children everywhere are now being told to stay home from school. Adults everywhere are unsure how to explain something that we are struggling to comprehend o…
Thrive® have produced a range of weekly simple activities for children and families to try. Any activities that you complete could be photographed and shared with us on our email: [email protected]
Week One Thrive Activities
Week Two Thrive Activities
Week Three Thrive Activities
Week Four Thrive Activities
Week Four Thrive Activities 2
Week Five Thrive Activities
Week Five Thrive Activities 2
Week Six Thrive Activities
Week Six Thrive Activities 2
Week seven Thrive Activities
Week seven Thrive Activities 2
Week Eight Thrive Activities
Week Eight Thrive Activities 2
Week Nine Thrive Activities
Week Nine Thrive Activities 2
Week Ten Thrive Activities
Week Ten Thrive Activities 2
Week Twelve Thrive Activities 1
Week Twelve Thrive Activities 2
Click here to take a look at The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild Challenge!
These are also useful links to help children:
Parents -some useful advice on how to cope when children ‘lose it!’
Keeping our children safe and happy during school closures.
Harold the Giraffe from SCARF is sharing his daily diary with you. He is suggesting lots of activities to do each day to keep your mind and body healthy.
Coram Life Education are sharing resources and guidance about helping children manage the changes in their life without school at the moment. As so many children are busy online too, they also provide advice about how to keep safe online. It can seem like an anxious and uncertain time, but we hope their advice and suggestions help and make life a little clearer and brighter! :)