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Science Curriculum Map

Science Home Learning

The time whilst school is closed is the perfect opportunity to undertake simple science experiments from home.

Rather than focusing on specific curriculum outcomes the best thing to do with any experiment is to guess what might happen, talk about why you think it has happened and mostly, enjoy the hands on experience.

Here are some links to simple experiments and activities you can do from home to help develop a sense of curiosity and excitement around science and the natural world.

Please share with your class teacher any photos of you sharing these experiments, we’d love to see what you discover!

Have fun and stay safe.


Crest Awards: have different aged activities suitable for exploring at home.

Science sparks: lots of different activity ideas.

The Imagination Tree: lots of practical activities, a super home-made playdough recipe.

The Science Museum: has lots of inspiring activities to look through.

Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT): have put together lots of different home learning experiments


Science at Highwoods

From the basics in reception (EYFS) where children take an interest in the natural world, mixing colours and understanding their own bodies through to year 6, all children at Highwoods study Science according to the National Curriculum. We encourage a cross curriculum approach, using real-life and relevant scenarios to ensure children are well quipped to explore and interact with the world around them.

Many key transferable skills develop through the application of science: working methodically, questioning, planning, measuring, observing and evaluating.

In school children are encouraged to be curious about the world around them, ask questions and explore key principles of chemistry, physics and biology. All children attend forest school which allows them to explore the natural world and apply a hands on approach to their learning. Science supports other areas of the curriculum by expanding children’s’ vocabularies and applying mathematical skills and processes.

By the end of their time at Highwoods all children will be well equipped to think critically and solve problems, ensuring that a love of science continues with them into their Secondary education and the rest of their lives.

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